Throughout his pre-college training Daniel Altshuler studied drawing, painting and wood carving of lettered signs. He furthered his studies in still life, painting, and life drawing at the Art Institute of Boston and Boston University, and life studies and human anatomy at the Museum School. Through the various studies in drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, design, clay modeling, stone and wood carving, welding and metal work, and casting in plaster and metal, the Museum School prepared Altshuler for his future training with the renowned sculptor, Walker Hancock. For thirteen years, Altshuler worked as Hancock’s sole assistant, working with Hancock on small to monumental-sized figurative sculpture, portraiture, numismatic work, and bas-relief. While developing Hancock‘s work from statuary to busts in clay, plaster, bronze and marble, Altshuler worked concurrently on his own professional commissions in an adjoining studio. The immediacy of Hancock‘s presence and his emphasis on bas-relief with the figure, portraiture and lettering, in the classical way, developed Altshuler‘s skills and knowledge to become the professional sculptor he is today. While fulfilling the demands of his private clientele and own independent works, as a curator Altshuler chaired two massive exhibitions on Cape Ann, Massachusetts in 1997 and 1998. The first, "Sculptors of Cape Ann, From Medals to Monuments", an artistically rich community was given the opportunity to discover and honor the sometimes overlooked, yet significant sculptural roots of this seaport town north of Boston. As a member of the Board of Governors of the Rockport Art Association, Altshuler created, curated and chaired this landmark event honoring 19th and 20th century sculptors who worked and lived within the Cape Ann area. Some 300 numismatic, monumental, statuettes, bas-relief and portrait busts were assembled. Following this successful venture came the nationally recognized exhibition entitled, "America‘s Sculptural Heritage, Anchored in Gloucester," executed for Mayor Bruce Tobey to commemorate the City‘s 375th Anniversary. Currently, Altshuler‘s numismatic commemorative works include Henry David Thoreau, Paul Revere and Louisa May Alcott, on view at Orchard House in Concord, Massachusetts. Other numismatic works include the memorial to the Gloucester Fisherman. Altshuler is a member of the prestigious Guild of Boston Artists and received an American Millennium Medal honoring Native American People in 2000. He currently lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts.