Swiss-based artist Nicole Bron Chappuis was born in 1971. She started developing her taste for painting in high school, with art teacher Pierre Keller (Director of the University of Art and Design Lausanne, 1995-2010). Gouache, monochrome, abstract and passion quickly took over her Lausanne flat. At 31, she decides to devote herself completely to painting. Canvas then quickly replaces paper, and acrylic gets the better of gouache; mixed with natural sand, these materials have become intrinsic to her work, along with constant research on graphics, colors and textures. Exploring the essence and the continuity of each experience and translating it into a firework of geometrical forms, colored textures, curves and squirts, has been her greatest delight since. Wishing to continue uninfluenced, NBCH has remained self-educated. Fot more than eight years, she has been exhibiting very successfully in numerous and prestigious galleries all over Switzerland. In 2007, she won the Spectator Award at the En Beauregard Art Awards and has been invited to present her work in various European countries as well as in Abu Dhabi and San Francisco for 2011. “ I call myself EpiCurious and this is how I paint ”.
Every piece of NBCH’s artwork depicts an event that she experienced. Geometrically, there are 4 defined areas delineated with straight lines.
The first one is about the event itself and has no sand. The intensity is found in the nuances, gradations, squirts and curves that emerge from it.
The squirts and curves will then split each and every one of the 3 remaining zones in 2 parts. The 3 zones represent the body, the heart and the spirit, whereas their 2 parts illustrate the feminine/masculine side, bright/dark side or the Ying and the Yang that inhabits us all.
There, she uses the same color but two different kinds of natural sand, for together, they are the essence and the continuity of each experience.
EXHIBITS 2003 • Home Studio, BRETIGNY, VD • Physical Education and Sports Services, LAUSANNE, VD • Imagine Gallery, ORBE, VD
2005 • Yookoso Gallery, LAUSANNE, VD • Art Forum, MONTREUX, VD • ArtGland, GLAND, VD • October Gallery, CAROUGE, GE
2006 • Arts and Objects Spaces Gallery, LAUSANNE, VD • October Gallery, CAROUGE, GE • En Beauregard Gallery, BLONAY, VD • ArtGland, GLAND, VD • Geneva International Art Show, GENEVA, GE
2007 • En Beauregard Gallery, BLONAY, VD • Baertschi Gallery, BERN, BE • Arts and Objects Spaces Gallery, LAUSANNE, VD • Montreux Art Gallery (MAG), MONTREUX, VD
2008 • Studio Opening, OULENS, VD • China Blue Gallery, FLEURIER, NE • Wheat and Bread Fair, ECHALLENS, VD • 4Art Promotion, ZüRICH, ZH • Imagine Gallery, ORBE, VD
2009 • Corto Caveau Gallery, GRANDVAUX, VD • It Is Happening, Oulens Studio, OULENS, VD • ArtGland, GLAND, VD • At Vincent’s Gallery, LUTRY, VD • Montreux Art Gallery (MAG), MONTREUX , VD
2010 • 5 Chinese Elements, Oulens Studio, OULENS, VD • Zürich Art Show, ZüRICH, ZH • KaiZen NBCH Retrospective, LAUSANNE, VD Notables 2004 • Book Release
2007 • Spectator Award of En Beauregard Art Awards, BLONAY, VD
Upcoming Exhibits 2011 • Swiss Consulate, SAN FRANCISCO, CA • ArtPeople Gallery, SAN FRANCISCO, CA • China Blue Gallery, FLEURIER, NE • Walli Keppner’s Studio, COLOMBIER, NE
2012 • En Beauregard Gallery, MONTREUX, VD |