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First Name Brenda
Last Name Kaye
Country United States
Service Commission Oil Painting

Brenda Kaye’s unique style of oil painting is remarkable, yet complicated to explain. Actually, she has two different kinds of expressive styles.

  1. As you see in her nudes, she chooses to use a realistic touch of her brush.  The emphasis is on expressing the raw power and intricate details of the floral and the male form. The flower has been revered and painted abundantly but the male form hasn't. Putting the two together creats a very stunning and complimentary work of art!

  2. Her “eMotionistic” style which was actually developed by accident, is singularly and distinctively her own. Brenda Kaye’s eMotionistic paintings capture the essence of the whole scene while focusing on one moment in time. Her paintings focus on action and chaos while presenting stillness at the same time. This maintains the invigorating energy and emotion of the scene. Brenda collages scenes in her mind, and is influenced by various photographs of the subject. Her objective is to remind us of how fast the image arrives and vanishes in real life. Her style allows viewers to relax in the memory of the subject while feeling the exhilaration of movement in real time.

Besides her realistic nudes and florals, her eMotionistic style is perfect for capturing the essence of the horse. Recently, Brenda has been captivated with the western lifestyle in the United States and is creating scenes depicting working cowboys and horses. Painting the West as it is lived today!

I have always had an artistic gift. Proportion and balance come naturally to me.  But when you look at my works of art, you can see the intricate use of color and its complexity evoking the emotion of a scene. I studied pieces at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC., and painted reproductions of masterpieces on display. I learned some critical techniques with their mastery of color. Through the years following, I have continued to develop my skills. Most of my teachings were and are, in observing and studying the world around me. My job has always been to record pieces of our day and age. I love the intensity of color and depth of my oil paintings when completed. I marvel again and again, and am grateful, that I can apply my paints on the canvas and create a scene that comes alive with life and color!”

~ Brenda Kaye


Brenda Kaye’s unique style of oil painting is remarkable, yet complicated to explain. Actually, she has two different kinds of expressive styles.

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Changing Tide
by Kaye
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Charro Riders
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by Kaye
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Mudd Doll E
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