Moving to Nantucket in 2002 was a life changing experience for me. Residing near Surfside Beach, I could hear the sea's roar at high tide. I took many long walks along this ocean side beach, collecting weathered, wisps’ of sea tossed shells. Nearly abstract sculptures in and of themselves, these shells inspired and informed my Washashore series.
It was on this small island that Anne was allowed the solitude and opportunity, to focus on her stone carving, specifically works in alabaster. Now that she lives on the North Shore of Massachusetts, she continues to walk the beach and comb for the ocean’s tossed treasures. Their inspiration endures and moves her forward with this series. Anne works largely with hand-tools: hammers, chisels, files, rasps and sand papers. She speaks of the carving process as slow and labor intensive, but most of all, a labor of love.
Anne began carving stone in New Haven, Connecticut under the tutelage of William Katz and Nick Santoro, at The Creative Arts Workshop. Other significant mentors of Anne’s were Alan Williams, B. Amore and Gary Haven Smith who taught at The Sculpture Center in West Rutland, VT . Anne’s studies in fine art have taken her to Europe to live in France and Italy, where she was given extensive instruction in painting and carving.